Friday, 7 March 2025

FRGCB's YouTube channel happenings

It's that time of year again, when the "My Nostalgia Trip Games" series makes its return on FRGCB's YouTube channel, and it's already the seventh season that the series is starting. This season starts off with the only episode on Philips' infamous CD-i console from the early 1990's, and while it's an emulation based episode out of necessity, it is a nostalgic console for me, albeit in a second-hand manner. With this episode, new intro and outro music is introduced, and an alternating intro sequence, which will be different for each episode this season. That also means, this season will be a bit shorter than usual.

This also means that the final episode of the most recent batch of Let's Play videos has been released, that being an attempt at getting somewhere in the original Spectrum version of Manic Miner - a game that has not been, nor will it likely ever be - compared on this blog, mostly due to it having a ridiculous amount of versions. Anyway, this makes FRGCB's Let's Play series have a total of 18 episodes so far.

The way things are going, it looks like the main focus at FRGCB's YouTube channel will be eventually turning towards Let's Plays and comparison accompaniment videos, unless someone hits me with a brilliant idea that will start a new interesting series. The main reason for starting to gradually bring My Nostalgia Trip Games to an end is, because I can just about make ten seasons of this series with actual nostalgic games, unless I decided to continue the series with just C64, Amiga, Spectrum, NES and PC games. Even with those, Spectrum and NES would reach their end of the road much earlier than the others, so at the very latest, after the 12th season, MNTG would become rather narrow in the number of represented platforms. Anyway, this season of My Nostalgia Trip Games will bring in the 100th episode, which is some cause for celebration, so that one should be something very different from the usual form.

There are also a couple of other interesting possibilities lurking around, which I might do videos of, but we shall see. Keep your eyes open, folks. ;)


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