Programming by Ruud Peske
Graphics by Ernest Peske
Music by David Whittaker
Other credit by Mark Strachan
Commodore 64:
Programming by Mark Greenshields
Graphics by Richard Naylor
Music by David Whittaker
Amstrad CPC:
Programming by Darren Pegg
Graphics by Jason Pegg
Music by John Brozovsky
The Spectrum, C64 and Amstrad versions all published by Domark in 1986.
Commodore Plus/4:
Programming by Mark Greenshields
Graphics and music by Richard Naylor
Published by Domark in 1987.
Rewritten for the Nintendo Game Boy as "Splitz" by Richard Naylor for Enigma Variations Ltd.,
and published by Imagineer Co., Ltd. in 1993.
One of my favourite puzzle games of all time has always been Split Personalities, and it's also one of the rare games I managed to play on the three main contestant platforms in their own time. The Plus/4 version was unknown to me until I decided upon making a comparison of this game. Learning about its origins was a long time coming, though - the latest bits of information have, indeed, only surfaced last year, which makes this a particularly interesting game to talk about right now, particularly as the animation show it was originally based on has made a bit of a comeback lately, after an absence of almost 24 years.
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The original "Splitting Images" cover art. |
Although Spitting Image, the puppet-animated satire series, was heavily influential for this game, Domark had no official licence for using the Spitting Image characters in the game's cover art, and they were also forced by the copyright holder, Central Television, to rename the game from Splitting Images (considered too close to the TV-show's title while having no licence) to something else - Split Personalities, as it turned out. The game itself didn't even use the show's caricatures, so the actual game content remained fully intact after the repackaging. Domark were so keen on getting a Spitting Image game under their belt, however, so they eventually got their licence for the brand, and published an official Spitting Image game in 1989. But that's something even I won't touch with a stick.
Since World of Spectrum's new system still requires some digging into the website's archived versions with the Wayback Machine, we can only see the user ratings from the time before the relaunch. Thus, the score for the original Spectrum version in July 2019 was 8.09 from 45 votes. Not too shabby. The soon-to-be updated, but hopefully not restarted Lemon64 has a score of 7.6 from 41 votes. The review at CPC Game Reviews has an unbelievably positive 9 out of 10, while the more collective rating at CPC-Power is a more believable 16.75 out of 20.00. The Plus/4 version seems to be a bit of an oddity, since it has been only voted 8 times at Plus/4 World, but it has a respectable score of 7 out of 10. As for the surprise entry in the comparison, the Game Boy version "Splitz" is a fairly unknown game, and if anything is to be determined from the two reviews from 1993 linked to the game's MobyGames page, it divided its audience quite drastically. But let's see how it compares to the original Domark versions.
At its core, Split Personalities is a slider puzzle. Yeah, I know, sounds a bit boring, right? Well, it's not precisely a traditional slider puzzle, like those 15-piece puzzles inside a square board that can hold 16, because this one's puzzles have 20 pieces each within a board that could hold 25, if there were not a feeder block in the top left corner. But that still leaves 4 empty spaces at the end of each solved puzzle. There are ten puzzles in the game with plenty of familiar faces - at least to those of us who lived in the 1980's. That alone would make the game slightly more interesting than just sliding numbered plates all around the board, but that's only the thing that keeps you going.
The meat of the game is in its virtually boosted difficulty, which comes in the form of a strict time limit, the puzzles getting launched into the board in a randomized order, explosives, pieces that don't fit, pieces that help get rid of other pieces that don't fit, opening doorways and electrically charged walls that bounce puzzle pieces around if you're not careful. Not only do you need highly alert cognitive skills, but also insanely good reflexes, so you won't get surprised to death by a bomb. Also, the number of electrified wall bits increases as you make progress in the game, which is a very effective way of making the solving of each puzzle different and interesting, but also more hazardous and difficult.
Because the pictures in the puzzles are very well drawn, and the frantic pace of the game with all its traps and timelimits keeps you going as fast as you can, Split Personalities is a game that is able to still offer good, challenging fun. For puzzle game fans, this should be a high priority title to get acquainted with. Whether it's even close to being as good on every platform is what we're here for.
Now, here's something interesting for once, because while the loading times for all versions are
around 4-5 minutes, the SPECTRUM version seems to have something odd going on one side of the
Domark and Zafi Chip tapes.
Amstrad CPC: 4 min 33 sec
Commodore 64, original: 4 min 49 sec
Commodore 64, Mindbenders: 4 min 19 sec
Commodore Plus/4: 4 min, sharp
ZX Spectrum, Splitting Images: 5 min 1 sec
ZX Spectrum, Bug-Byte: 5 min, sharp
ZX Spectrum, Domark side A: 4 min 43 sec
ZX Spectrum, Domark side B: 8 min 31 sec
ZX Spectrum, Zafi Chip side A: 9 min 9 sec
ZX Spectrum, Zafi Chip side B: 5 min 18 sec
So, the curious thing about the two SPECTRUM tapes is, that they have a separate demonstrational
version of the game chunked on one side of the tape, along with the game itself, while the other
side only has the game. Worry not, though - the demonstrations have nothing new to see than the
very much text-based loading screen.
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Loading screens. Top row: ZX Spectrum versions. Bottom row, left to right: Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC, Commodore Plus/4. |
Counting the original Splitting Images version of the game, as well as the demo, there are three
loading screens on the SPECTRUM altogether. The coder of the loader thought it necessary to inform
the gamers during the loading, that this loader has no flashing lines or any such things, but
instead, there's a timer bar at the bottom of the screen. The C64 version improves slightly from
the SPECTRUM loader by having some of the faces more colourful, and since the main picture is
taken straight from the Spectrum, the C64's wider screen allows for more material, which in this
case is some framing and the game's credits. The AMSTRAD loading screen doesn't offer all that much in terms of pixel art, but the rainbow scroller bordering the screen is neat, and the bigger game
logo with rougher pixeling than in the other version is kind of charming in its own way. The PLUS/4 version goes with the altogether too common basic Novaload screen.
The game is played by moving a square cursor around the board with either a joystick or keyboard, and the keyboard controls are told in the title screens of each version, apart from the SPECTRUM original. In that particular case, it's the old Q-A-O-P configuration, with anything from Caps-shift to Space on that row assigned as the fire button. There are also assigned keys for aborting the game and pause. In the SPECTRUM version, pressing R+T together aborts, H turns pause mode on and J turns it off. In the other versions, P toggles pause. For aborting the game, push F1 in the either of the COMMODORE versions, and ESC in the AMSTRAD version.
So, the controls are easy enough, but it's how the puzzles are worked on, that's the tricky part. At the top left corner of the puzzle board, there is a solid square block with an arrow pointing to the right. Since there are no pieces of the puzzle inside the board initially, the arrowed corner block suggests that the blocks come from there. The square cursor can only enter this feeder block from the right side of the block, and exit the same way, and when you push the fire button while inside, something will come out of the block - might be a piece of the puzzle or something completely different, like an odd-looking filler block or a bomb. The top row will remain empty at the completion of a level, which leaves you quite a lot of room to move the pieces around, but you still need to be extremely wary of how to organize the blocks while trying to get every piece in their places, because the puzzle pieces come in at a completely randomized order.
Bombs can be diffused by throwing a faucet at them, if you can get that lucky, but otherwise, your best bet is to lead them out from one of the randomly opening gateways at the center of each side of the board. The odd-looking filler blocks can give you bonus points, if you manage to pair them with other odd-looking filler blocks, such as a bullet with a pistol, or an American flag with a Soviet flag. The filler blocks change for each puzzle, but there are some fillers that are completely useless - the hammer, the ice cream and the tea cup. Combining two diamonds will give a time bonus, while fuel and a lit match will result in an explosion, obviously. And I might as well give you another little hint, if you're unfamiliar with the game: a good way to start each level is to leave two blocks at the top right corner.
The real pain in the game is the increasing amount of cracks in the walls, which cause a puzzle piece to get electrified and pushed back to the direction it came from, until it reaches something on its path to stop it, or fly out an opened gateway. As an example of the pain you're going to endure, once you get far enough in the game, all the wall bits at the bottom are cracked, so you need to focus on moving the pieces against the randomly opening gateway before sliding them to the sides, so it becomes increasingly important to plan the order of putting the pieces in their right places early on in each puzzle. Further annoyances comes from puzzle pieces starting to ricochet off of each other in later levels, and the preview helper screen starting to show only white noise at some point. But all of this makes Split Personalities the addicting piece of work that it is.
In terms of playability, the one thing you need this sort of a game to have is sharp, responsive controls, which the original SPECTRUM version does have in abundance, if such a thing is to be had in abundance. The C64 version feels quite stiff and unresponsive in contrast, with a tendency to do double the amount of work when the game feels it has fallen behind in schedule, or something like that, but it doesn't really affect the results until, perhaps, level 6 onwards, once you've gotten the hang of it. It actually feels even a bit worse when playing on an emulator, but the controls' stiffness is definitely notable on a real C64, when compared to the SPECTRUM version in tandem. The AMSTRAD version isn't quite as stiff as the C64 version, but nor is it quite as responsive as the SPECTRUM version, but it's not really noticeable until you test it back-to-back. That said, I still don't have an actual Amstrad computer in my collection, so I can't be 100% certain about this, but based on the accuracy of emulation with the other two machines, I'm willing to trust on these results. And the same goes for the PLUS/4 version, which feels exactly the same on emulation (no matter which emulation in use) as the C64 version when using VICE, or slightly worse. Can't say for sure, really, and since I have no way of testing this out on a real PLUS/4 machine, I have decided to assume the controllability is similar to the C64 version. Correct me if I'm wrong. I have also noticed an odd bug in both the C64 and the PLUS/4 versions, in which the cursor sometimes moves only about 2/3 of its size, and you might accidentally push just a part of the piece where it shouldn't necessarily even be able to, thus having the ability to destroy a puzzle piece from the board. It's rare, but it happens.
Although the GAME BOY version has been considered as a straight port by some websites, you don't need to play it all that much to realize, how wrong that statement is. Even as you just start the game, you see the full picture being previewed, before you start puzzling. The preview screen can be opened any time during the game by pressing the B button, but the game screen does have a minimap, as well; it just happens to occupy the block from where you need to get the puzzle pieces onto the board. Playing the game is otherwise very similar, and there's a similar stiff feel to it as the C64 version has, but the difficulty balance has been turned down just a little notch. The puzzles in Splitz feature completely different pictures than the original Split Personalities, so you can't trust your old memory that much, if you have gotten used to the original, and there are also bonus levels, which feature something other than people, and in these bonus puzzles, all the pieces are on the board at once - you just need to put it all together with no worry about getting bombed. The time limit is still there, though. In other words, Splitz could be considered an upgrade or a sequel to Split Personalities - officially, too, since it's a licenced product written by one of the principal people involved in the original game.
As there are very little differences between all the versions, apart from the GAME BOY version, the focus of the comparison for this section is largely on the responsiveness of the controls. The bigger differences are in graphics and sounds, of course.
As most puzzle games do, Split Personalities happens entirely in one screen, apart from the title screen, so there's not going to be all that much of material to compare here. But title screen is certainly the place to start.
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Title screens. Top row, left to right: ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Commodore Plus/4. Bottom left & middle: Game Boy. Bottom right: Amstrad CPC. |
When you compare the SPECTRUM title screen to the other versions of Split Personalities, it sticks out. Almost feels as if it wasn't a completely finished game when it was released, because the other title screens are almost uniform to each other. Instead of a simplistic control options menu and score indicators at the bottom, you get a rainbow colour scrolling borderline, similarly coloured game title at the top, credits and controls.
There are some small differences between all the principle versions here, though. The AMSTRAD version has more colour in the texts inside the rainbow border, but it hasn't got the "Good Luck!" message appearing, when you start the game. The two COMMODORE versions have only some palette differences between each other, and the hand-written "Good Luck!" message is missing the exclamation mark.
The odd one in the group, the GAME BOY version, has no need for giving you instructions, but it has a credits screen appearing before the more graphical title screen, which is nice, if a bit greyscale.
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In-game screenshots with focus on the cursor. Top row, left to right: ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Game Boy. Bottom left: Commodore Plus/4. Bottom right: Amstrad CPC (alternative graphics). |
Here is what you might call an empty canvas, waiting to be filled with puzzle pieces. Although the focus here is on the different versions of the square cursor, let's take a moment to see how the side panel is constructed.
Your reference picture is shown in the green preview screen in the top right corner, now showing the first puzzle, which is Ronald Reagan, at least in the regular version - there's an alternative version that features some alternative pictures for a few levels. Anyway, below that, you can see the current level number, the bonus counter and score counter in the yellow screen, and the number of lives under the panel shown as three small black square things. The energy meter is shown just below the puzzle area. The differences in the side panel are barely worth noticing, only the amount of room the side panels have on the screen in comparison to the actual puzzle board, and the shading of the elements. Come to think of it, the SPECTRUM version is the only one, in which the perspective is completely correct when it comes to the pseudo-3D shading effect. The AMSTRAD version differs from the usual form by having the lives and the energy bar shown in colour. I suppose it's also worth pointing out, that the SPECTRUM version's preview screen has less detail than the two COMMODORE versions, and the AMSTRAD version uses lo-res graphics for it. Due to the GAME BOY's almost square screen, there is no side panel to speak of; only the energy bar is shown at the right side of the screen, along with a very small lives indicator underneath of it. The preview screen is shown in full, as you put your cursor into the feeder box.
As for the cursor, the basic effect of circulating colours is pretty much the same in all versions, although the PLUS/4 version runs the animation at lightspeed, so you can't really focus on the colours in it. Having said that, the colours in the PLUS/4 cursor are differently organized compared to the other versions, and it has 6 differently coloured blocks similarly organized in two halves of the square. The original SPECTRUM look for the cursor is to have two shades of each of the six colours featured in the square: blue, red, purple, green, cyan and yellow. The AMSTRAD version is the only one to follow this form to the dot, and the GAME BOY version uses a similar approach in grayscale, but goes for a similar, less conventional colouring pattern, as the C64 version exhibits with three colours per side. In the C64 version, though, the colours don't seem to be in a completely logical order, but it doesn't really look that much different in action.
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Screenshots from the Sinclair ZX Spectrum version. |
This, and the rest of the remaining sets of screenshots, consist of some action shots in the game, so you don't see the cursor here, because it disappears when you perform any action. The top left screen is shown at the beginning of each level, when the puzzle system resets itself and loads a new picture for you to puzzle out. The board has nothing in it yet, and the only thing happening is the "white noise" effect in the small green preview screen on the right panel.
In the middle picture of top row, you get a few randomly placed pieces of the first puzzle, along with an additional piece that doesn't belong in the puzzle itself - the square Star Spangled Banner-alike. The point of focus here, though, is the lightning going across the middle of the board, pushing a puzzle piece to the left edge of the board. The lightning has two or three frames of animation, but they go so quickly, you can barely see them when it happens.
Top right corner shows an assembled puzzle number two, with the Iron Lady herself in front of a fairly large Union Jack. Similarly assembled is the puzzle number five picture at the center of the bottom row, showing the right honorable, Lord Alan Sugar in his 1986 bushy hairdo, long before his getting a knighthood or anything of that sort.
At the bottom left corner, you can see the cursor getting blown up, probably due to a bomb explosion, but in the actual animation, the explosion happens twice, and the fragments of your square cursor go flying in all eight possible directions, also twice.
Lastly, there's the GAME OVER screen at the bottom right corner, which only shows the completed text. The text is drawn letter by letter, 8x8 pixel block by 8x8 pixel block, twice over to also have a shadow underneath the colour-flashing overlapped main text. What you can't see in this set of screenshots is the cursor itself in action, but you will see versions of it later on, even though it doesn't really differ all that much.
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Screenshots from the Commodore 64 version. |
In essentials, there's no drastic changes to the SPECTRUM original in the C64 version. Due to the C64's wider screen size, the right panel has been widened slightly, but that's about it, at least concerning the layout. It's the details and colours where the C64 has the advantage. Even in the preview screen, you see more of little details, instead of just the personalities. In the full puzzle screens, all the people have a more healthy human-like colouring with pink faces, but then the colour clash, which is an inevitable side-effect of having hi-res graphics, is more visible than in the less colourful, but more effectively shaded SPECTRUM version. Mind you, the picture of Humphrey Bogart shown in the SPECTRUM screens is made in greyscale colours in all... well, most versions of the game.
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Screenshots from the Commodore Plus/4 version. |
The PLUS/4 version takes its graphics straight from the C64 version, and because of that, I decided to go with less screenshots for it. Mind you, the explosion animation of the cursor is a bit faster and shorter (and the primary colour is green), and it's nearly impossible to get a screenshot of that. All the other notable differences to the C64 version are palette-related.
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Screenshots from the Amstrad CPC version. |
As you might have expected, the AMSTRAD graphics have a more colourful, but less detailed look in them. Mrs. Thatcher's face looks only remotely like Mrs. Thatcher's face, and the form of pre-Lord Alan Sugar's hair is more circular than the naturally wavy bush, as his hair looked in 1986. It is rather
ironic, that the computer brand that Alan Sugar owned at one point, was the only one of the lot that wasn't quite as capable at drawing his face - I suppose Amstrad might have bought Sinclair for this very reason? Well, back to the topic: the side panel is wider than in any other version, for no apparent reason. What is also a bit odd, is, that the picture of Humphrey Bogart has been turned into a colour version, with some interesting background colouring choices.
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Screenshots from the Nintendo Game Boy version. |
Because the GAME BOY screen design is so different from the rest, it's more difficult to show every little difference here, which is as good a reason as any to me to have compiled yet another video accompaniment, which you can find in the Overall section.
While the screen feels considerably smaller than in the other versions (at least narrower), and the greyscale colour scheme sets some limitations, the notable switch in processing power and dedicated hardware to play this single game adds a lot of potential. You get more showy visual effects, some more animations and, if nothing else gets you, more puzzles, all of which are different from the original counterparts. There is no side panel to speak of, although enough of it exists to show you the energy meter and the number of lives on the right edge of the screen, but the puzzle preview is accessed by entering the puzzle piece spitter block and pushing a button there. Since the preview screen is shown in full screen mode, it offers no differing graphics compared to a solved puzzle. Also, there is no score display, but to be honest, it's not particularly important.
Based on the sheer amount of graphics and the quality of animations, the GAME BOY version is easily the best one around, even if it's greyscale by default. Play it on a Super Game Boy adapter, and you can modify the colours for your own taste, to some extent. But if you're more partial to the original puzzles and more colourful graphics by default, the C64 and PLUS/4 versions offer the best of both worlds in terms of detail and colour. The AMSTRAD version is a bit too blocky, even if it is the most colourful one, and the SPECTRUM original has yellow faces and a less interesting - and less informative - title screen. But considering it's the puzzles you'll be watching for most of the time, the SPECTRUM version beats the AMSTRAD one due to its good enough hi-res graphics.
As the original SPECTRUM version was designed for the 48k machine, you don't get much of music in it - only five relatively short fanfares in a single melodic line, even though there has been made some attempt to make the one instrument sound a bit more interesting than just the regular beep. The four main short fanfares appear upon starting a new game, losing a life, completing a puzzle and the inevitable Game Over screen. Upon completing the game, you will get to hear an excerpt of a famous piano/bassline in a famous song by a Liverpudlian band from the 1960's.
The focus in the original version's sound design is almost entirely on the sound effects, which is not a bad thing at all. You get a fairly helicopter-like constant chopping sound for your cursor, which turns into a weird wobble noise, when you enter the puzzle piece spitter block. Any sliding of a puzzle piece or other object makes a certain different chirpy kind of fart noise. Successful and fatal combining of non-puzzle pieces results in either an entirely fitting bonus score sound effect or a dual explosion, depending on your action; and obviously, the dual explosion is triggered every time you die from either a bomb or a timeout. And then, of course, there's the lightning strike effect when you hit a crack in the wall. So, despite the largely inferior sound producing capabilities of the ZX SPECTRUM, the game does have plenty of variety in its noises.
Rather expectedly, the C64 version has been given a nice, long theme tune. Although David Whittaker is responsible for the sounds in both SPECTRUM and C64 versions, I suppose a real sound chip and slightly more base memory would have helped fit some high quality music in there. That said, bits of the main title tune (which loops at 1:20) are used for other occasions in the game: the main bass line is played when you start a new game, and the Coda part is played at completing a level and at Game Over. At least entering a new level plays a slightly altered clip of the main bass line.
The C64 version's sound effects aren't any less varied than in the SPECTRUM version, but I would say they're more sophisticated and vary more in volume and dynamics. Even so, preferring one over the other in this regard is like preferring pizza with pineapple chunks to a pizza without pineapple chunks, without really knowing which one is which.
Although I remember having played the AMSTRAD version a few times, when I was about 10-11 years old, I had no memory of how that version sounded like. Prior to making this comparison, I had not played the CPC version in almost 30 years. Imagine my shock, when upon first booting up this game, I was not greeted with a rendition of the C64 theme tune, but instead, my ears were attacked with a brutal German beer polka-like tune, which made the game a lot funnier than I expected. Not sure if it fits the humour in Split Personalities, but it sure made me laugh. Additionally, there are some short, rather traditional fanfares for starting the game, completing a level and Game Over, and also an irritatingly childish "nerr-nerr-ne-nerr-nerr" melody for when you lose a life. So, in terms of music, the CPC has more variety and humour than the C64 version, but whether it's any better or not, is really a matter of how you feel it all fits the game, even though it bears reminding, that the C64's SID-chip does all the filters and dynamics better than the AY-chips.
Speaking of which, the sound effects are as brutally loud as the music, so you get very little in terms of sound dynamics, and it gets very intrusive very easily. I found myself lowering the volume considerably not long after starting the game. But at least the variety of sound effects is similar to the previous two contestants.
With the PLUS/4's TED sound chip, being inferior to the SID as if by design, the music and sound effects are notably of lesser quantity and quality than practically on any other version so far. Sure, the TED is capable of producing two notes simultaneously, but in this case at least, they are never particularly interesting to listen to. Like the SPECTRUM version, the PLUS/4 version features no title music, and just a few unremarkable and predictable fanfares, but it's also much more quiet in the sound effects front, as well - most notably due to the lack of the helicopter effect that the square cursor performs whenever it's not inside the puzzle piece spitter block. When inside the said block, the game plays an unnecessarily noisy warning signal. Another notably missing sound effect is the explosion. But at least it's not completely void of sounds - just the most characteristic ones are missing.
Perhaps the most surprising of the lot is the GAME BOY version, because it starts off with the same title tune as the C64 version, except that this time, some of the lead melody harmonics are missing, and you don't get the coda part from the C64 composition here. Similarly to the C64 version, most of the other music in the game has been derived from the main title tune. Even the Game Over tune is directly cut from the C64 title tune, even if it's not included in the Game Boy rendition. Losing a life plays a unique little ditty here, at least. The sound effects are as Nintendo'esque as you would expect, but otherwise follow the SPECTRUM and C64 versions faithfully enough in quantity and - as much as possible - quality.
So you see, it's a bit difficult to decide upon the top three, because each of the more sonically rich versions have their own specific advantages and disadvantages. The AMSTRAD version's only real disadvantage is its lack of dynamics, otherwise I'm almost happier with that version. As for the other two, the PLUS/4 version is the most disappointing one with its relative lack sound effects, so we have an order of sorts.
For a puzzle game, Split Personalities is certainly in a league of its own. It offers enough of a challenge during its 10 levels to appease even the most brainiac of puzzle fanatics, but gives a difficulty curve fair enough to make newcomers easily invested. The original Domark game in its two locality variations of picture sets is a bit surprising, yet important angle in the game's long afterlife to those of us who grew up with it, but the fairly unknown GAME BOY version is really the most optimal version of the lot - and brings in more puzzles and a completely new set of pictures. But still, for the perfect playability, I'd go with the SPECTRUM version.
Whatever my personal choices, the unforgivingly mathematical Overall scores have been calculated as follows, for better and for worse:
1. NINTENDO GAME BOY: Playability 2, Graphics 4, Sounds 4 = TOTAL 10
2. COMMODORE 64: Playability 1, Graphics 3, Sounds 4 = TOTAL 8
3. SINCLAIR ZX SPECTRUM: Playability 3, Graphics 2, Sounds 2 = TOTAL 7
4. AMSTRAD CPC: Playability 2, Graphics 1, Sounds 3 = TOTAL 6
5. COMMODORE PLUS/4: Playability 1, Graphics 3, Sounds 1 = TOTAL 5
Once again, as has become the new tradition here at FRGCB, in case you have no personal connection to some or any version of the game in question, I have prepared a video accompaniment to this comparison, featuring all original versions of Split Personalities, as well as the Game Boy remake, or rebranding, or whatever you might wish to call it. And then another thing.
If any of you readers out there recognize yourself as a fan of Split Personalities, but always wished the game had a bit more content in it, you might be interested in a Windows remake by Richard Langford, which contains five different sets of puzzles, as well as five boards, of which all but the first ones (obviously) are unlockable. The remake, and many more remakes, can be found at the Langford Productions website.
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Screenshots from Split Personalities Windows remake by Langford Productions. |
That's it for now, hope you enjoyed it! Next time, something completely different, though I'm not exactly certain, what will it be. Hopefully something big! But before that, stay safe and healthy, and keep on retrogaming!
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