
Saturday, 8 February 2014

Achievements got!

Hooray! At around 2 am, on the 6th of February 2014, me and my blog got some cause for celebration. For one, the blog has now reached a whopping 10,000 visits, not counting my own, and that is quite a lot in my mind. The retro gaming population is a tough crowd, but when you get something done as properly as you can, the rewards can be rather surprising.

Which brings me to the second achievement: my comparisons have gained a new channel of publication, in form of a new retrogaming magazine called Reset, available for download at CBM8BIT.COM. My first exclusive comparison there is featured in issue #2, now available here (which is why I waited on releasing this post).

Massive expressions of gratefulness goes to so many people out there I won't be going into detail at the moment. Perhaps sometime in the far future when I decide to end this blog, I will give all the credit where the credit is due, but for now, thank you all for reading!

Next up, another game I teased about in my "So Far So Good" post in the beginning of December, so stay tuned... =)

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