

This page contains a full list of my entire collection of physical games for various systems, along with some explanations to the different formats. The list will be updated each time something new is added into the collection

Last update: 27th of January, 2025 (Additions to C64, MSX, N64 and NDS)



ATARI 2600 + ATARI 400/800




PC (DOS/Windows)





Here are some games that have somehow ended up in my collection, even though I have no means - or limited means of playing some of them. I do have an Atari Jaguar, but without a power source, and I also have a TI-99/4A, but I have no compatible video cables for it to use the machine in full colour.

ATARI JAGUAR    Cybermorph
ATARI JAGUAR    Wolfenstein 3D
COMMODORE 16    P.O.D. - Proof of Destruction
COMMODORE 16    Slipstream (disk, b/w C64 version)
PHILIPS CD-i    Earth Command
PHILIPS CD-i    Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon

TI-99/4A        Chisholm Trail


Finally, here's an ever-altering list of games that I'm looking for. If anyone wants to part with their spares, throw me a message at laoudismail(at)gmail(dot)com, and we'll see if we can come to a deal. In addition to this list below, I'm always looking for good bargains of games that I don't have for any of the consoles and computers in my collection - the list merely has the priorities.

AMSTRAD CPC: Bumpy, Campeones, Death Pit, Dempsey and Makepeace, Get Dexter, High Steel, Mickey Mouse

ATARI 2600: , Atlantis, Barnstorming, Canyon Bomber, Decathlon, Fatal Run, Fishing Derby, Frogger, Frogger II, Frostbite, Gravitar, Popeye, Pressure Cooker, Private Eye, Secret Quest, Snoopy and the Red Baron, Venture

ATARI 400/800: Alley Cat, Aztec Challenge, Dropzone, Encounter!, Montezuma's Revenge, Pharaoh's Curse, Realm of Impossibility, Spelunker, Yoomp!

COMMODORE 64: Anarchy, Andy Capp (Mirrorsoft), Aztec Challenge, Beyond the Forbidden Forest, Big Ben, Bone Cruncher, Bozo's Night Out, Bugsy, Burger Time, David's Midnight Magic, Donald Duck's Playground, Firefly, FireTrap, Flip & Flop, Forbidden Forest, Frantic Freddie, Gutz, Hat Trick, Impossamole, International Karate, IK+, Jeep Command, Killed Until Dead, Kong (Anirog), Last Ninja 3, Lazer Tag, Law of the West, Mario Bros. (Ocean), Master of the Lamps, Meanstreak, Milestones (compilation), Mini Golf (Capcom), Nebulus, Pharaoh's Curse, Project: Firestart, Rainbow Islands (cassette version with white box), Rally Speedway, Rimrunner, Samurai Warrior, Shamus, Skramble (Anirog), Slicks, Snokie, Test Drive, Tilt, the Train: Escape to Normandy, Tom/Tom Thumb (Kingsoft or Anirog), Train Robbers, Turbo Charge, Up 'n Down, Vegas Jackpot, Vendetta, the Way of the Exploding Fist (CIB), Where's My Bones?, Wonderboy, Zig Zag, Zorro

MSX: Barnstormer, Choro Q, Dota (Bouken Roman), Eggerland Mystery, Fruit Search, Guardic, Miner Machine, Penguin Adventure, Polar Star, Sasa, Shark Hunter, Sweet Acorn, Track and Field 1, Track and Field 2, the Wreck, Xyzolog

NES/FAMICOM: A Boy and His Blob, Castlevania, Cycle Race: Road Man Gekisou!! Nihon Isshu 4000km, Gun.Smoke, Moon Crystal, MTV Remote Control, Parallel World, Pinball Quest, River City Ransom/Street Gangs

SEGA MASTER SYSTEM: Alex Kidd in Miracle World, Astérix, Buggy Run, Castle of Illusion, Golden Axe Warrior, Montezuma's Revenge, Out Run, Putt and Putter, Secret Command, Wonderboy in Monster Land, Ys: The Vanished Omens, Zillion

SINCLAIR ZX SPECTRUM: Ant Attack, Brainstorm, Bruce Lee (standalone), Byte Bitten, Chuckie Egg 2, Collision Course, Contact Sam Cruise, Cosmic Cruiser, Cyclone, A Day in the Life, Dynamite Dan 2, Earthlight, Elevator Action, Eskimo Eddie, the Fall Guy, Fat Worm Blows A Sparky, Gilligan's Gold, Glider Rider, HERO, Journey's End, Juggernaut, Kokotoni Wilf, Krakatoa, (aka. Escape from Krakatoa), Mailstrom, Metabolis, Ms. Pac-Man, Panama Joe, Rex, Roller Coaster, Saboteur II, Sceptre of Bagdad, Shockway Rider, Skool Daze, Splat!, Street Hawk (standalone), Terramex, That's The Spirit, Tilt, Uchi Mata, Wibstars, World Series Basketball, Zaxxon, Zynaps

SUPER NINTENDO: Bart's Nightmare, Chrono Trigger, Cliffhanger, Dirt Trax FX, the Firemen, Jurassic Park, Mega Man X, Mega Man X2, Ranma ½ - Ougijaanken, Rock 'n' Roll Racing, Sanrio World Smashball, Secret of Evermore, Secret of Mana, Shadowrun, Super Castlevania IV, Super Metroid

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