
Saturday, 28 December 2024

Unique Games: Afterlife, Part 4

Another four years have passed since the previous UG Afterlife post on the FRGCB, so it felt like a good time to scan through all the usual dedicated platform-centric website forums, game developing competition websites and to get a wide enough range of all things released since the beginning of 2020. As with the previous Afterlife entries, I shall have to restrict each platform's offerings to four or five, when possible, because otherwise I'd be writing this still well after New Year's Day; and the platforms with clearly less unique and/or exclusive games released for them shall have to be featured more quickly at the end of the entry. With this, I wish you all a happy remainder of this Christmas season; prosperity for the year 2025, and hopefully lots of more new games for old platforms for as long as possible.

Friday, 6 December 2024

FRGR #16: Coloris (Avesoft, 1990)

Developed by Signum Victoriae
Designed by Pertti Lehtinen and Keijo Heljanko
Intro programmed by Keijo Heljanko
Game programmed by Pertti Lehtinen
Graphics by Harri Granholm, Mika Meriläinen and Jyrki Kummola
Music and sound effects by Tor Bernhard Gausen and Jean-Pierre Jandrain
Published for Commodore Amiga by Avesoft in 1990.



It's that time of year again, where we celebrate the Finnish Independence by reviewing a classic Finnish game from the olden days. This year's chosen title is Coloris from Avesoft, easily one of the best known Finnish games ever released for Commodore Amiga. It was one of the first Amiga games that I ever played, only to find out afterwards, that it was a Finnish game, which somehow didn't occur to me while seeing Signum Victoriae's obviously Finnish logo. I suppose I must have not been too bright at that age. Anyway, Coloris was the first notable Amiga game from Finland, only to have its international release cancelled by the publisher Avesoft due to fear of copyright infringement. Whether it was the right choice or not, I shall leave it for you to decide, because I'm not 100% certain.