
Sunday, 2 December 2018

Presenting: Another brand new thing!

Yes, you read it correctly: I'm starting another new thing, and this time, as you can see, I'm going for video format! Going video is something that has been suggested to me many times during the active FRGCB years, and starting to do so now could be the means to restart the blog in some manner. But before you can utter the words "ooh, nice, new comparisons", take a look at this brief introductory video I've prepared (using a potato-quality camera) to see what I'm really on about right now.

Meanwhile, work on the Retrogame Talkshow continues on-and-off, whenever Bob and I can find common time to work on it, and we're hoping to get a new episode out before 2019. Also, another comparison article has been delivered to the Reset64 magazine staff to be reviewed, so that's coming out in its own time.

All in all, the future of FRGCB is looking surprisingly promising at the moment, so stay tuned!

EDIT 18th of December 2018: Here's the first actual episode, enjoy! If you want to keep yourself updated on my videos, you might want to consider subscribing to my channel.